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In the Name Of…

May 22, 2024

Do you know why I write? I write because sometimes a thread in my brain gets caught on a hook and it pulls and it pulls and it pulls until I have no choice but to pay attention to it or be caught in the flood of obsession that comes with ignoring such a thing. For the last few days, a thread has been pulled to the point of constriction. I have no choice but to pay attention to it. Understand this though, I don’t want to. I don’t want to acknowledge it or give it voice because it’s going to offend a lot of people I care about. There is no way of separating you from the moon bats I’m going to be talking about, because you all drink from the same well. Maybe your water is less contaminated than theirs. Maybe your well allows more people to drink from it, but it draws from the same poison source.

Before I get there though, I’m going to tell you a story. Long ago, back before we understood the cosmos, a King reigned over a section of land. His son, the Prince, watched as his father subjugated the people. They worshipped him because he told them to. Now of course there were some among them that weren’t the worshipping type. The king banished them to the outer reaches of the kingdom. Desolate lands where they would be punished for their insolence. The son, being an upstart himself, fought his father, for he believed that people should be allowed to worship or not worship the king according to their wants. There was a bitter battle between the king and those who supported him, and the Prince and his supporters. Ultimately the king and his people won. The Prince and his supporters were banished to the outer reaches. Filled with rage, the Prince and his “army” decided that their only goal from that point forward was to hurt the king. The best way to hurt the king, was to lure the king’s followers out and torment them. And so it went for ages. The King vs his Son. The son’s followers wanted to hurt the king and his followers for what the King had done to their master, and the King’s followers wanted to hurt the son and his followers for betraying the King. Each was an abomination in the eyes of the other. Sound familiar? It should, it’s basically the spiritual foundation for the Christian religion. Lucifer rebelled, got kicked out of Heaven, he and his band of followers declare war on God and his followers, and Christians declare war on anything that they consider to be an abomination to God.

There are those of the Christian persuasion that will tell you that Christianity isn’t a religion. They’ll look you dead in the eyes and tell you that it is spiritual warfare. That every single thing you do in life either aides in the fight against Satan and his army of deep dicked demons or is a stain upon the golden throne of God. You’re either on the side of righteousness or God have mercy on your heathen soul. It’s a funny take to have in 2024. I mean does anyone even know what the fuck Christianity is anymore? The holiest book of the religion has been written, rewritten, edited, cannibalized, stripped, added to, and fought over for centuries! You want to know about the book that is taken as the gospel truth? Go read up on Christianity leading up to the Council of Nicea. Read up on Athanasius and Arius and the shit canned disagreements those two caused. More importantly, since we are a race that says actions speak louder than words, take a look at the actions. The French Inquisition, The Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, forced conversions, numerous tortures and murders carried out by the Holy See in the name of God. How many people were held under the heel of a boot? How many had freedoms restricted because they didn’t live up to Man’s idea of God?

Speaking of God, where is he? In the Old Testament that motherfucker popped up everywhere. You couldn’t throw a stone without hitting an Angel or a Burning Bush. He destroys the world, he turns people into pillars of salt, he demands sacrifices every other fucking page of the Bible. Yet, once Jesus comes along suddenly God gets a script for Xanax and takes a millennia long vacation? The Holocaust, The Bataan Death March…slavery? You mean to tell me he could spend time making deals with the devil and turning Job’s life into a fucking horror show but he no shows those? These same religionist who proclaim to be pro life will tell you that the death of a two year old at the hands of a drunken father is “just God’s will.”

That book was edited by people who had an agenda. People who were not altruistic who were not looking out for the betterment of mankind. “Books get edited every single day, CJ.” Yes, yes they do, but only one of those books with its many, many versions is used as a basis to write law. Used as a reason for legislation. Like it or not, when you swear on a Bible, you might as well be swearing on an issue of Action Comics.

“You’ve just taken it out of context.” Oh, have I? Are you sure it’s me that’s taken it out of context? The Bible is constantly seen as a guide to a religion as opposed to a written history of the times. Over 30,000 changes were made to the Bible. How do you even know what the original context was? There are portions in different versions where Elohim is used to reference God. Only problem is that Elohim is plural. It doesn’t mean God, it means Gods. The Old Testament begs you to look beyond the horizon and yet…eyes are never lifted. I want to challenge each of you who reads this to go over the Bible again. Look at it from a literal historical perspective not a blind eyed religious one. I think you might start to look at things in a different light.

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