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In What Universe pt 2

May 17, 2024

Today I’m going to pose a question to you. Let’s say you get diagnosed with cancer and have to see an Oncologist. You are given three choices. The first is an oncologist who is in his 80’s and has trouble with coherence at times. The second choice is a guy that’s near 80, is showing signs of dementia, and lies so much he can’t remember if he’s an oncologist or an attorney. The third guy is a weirdo who made his name off of his family’s name. He’s a bit of an unproven commodity who also recently admitted a worm had eaten part of his brain. Now, which one of these three are you going to trust your future with? If you’re rational, you’ll say none of the above because all three choices are completely insane. So why are you okay with those three being the only choices you’re being given for President? Surely a country as star spangled awesome as America can do better than this right? Biden, Trump, and a Kennedy with a different type of hole in the head. Absolutely bonkers and yet no one questions it. We just say, “well, those three suck” and go about our business. We don’t ask WHY those three are the ones that have been foisted upon us. Let’s rewind the clock a bit. Now, before we time travel, I don’t need you to like Ron Paul. Hell, you can absolutely hate the guy if you want. Back in 2012, Ron Paul was making some serious waves in the GOP race for President. Everyone had their eyes on the Republican convention in Tampa Bay, Florida. Mitt Romney was the GOP’s favored son but Paul and his delegates were going to make things interesting. At least until the GOP voted on a last second rule change that made sure the only delegates that were counted were the ones for Romney, not only silencing the Paul delegates, but completely freezing out Paul’s delegates from Maine. Effectively, the last second voice vote guaranteed that Ron Paul, despite having a large gathering of delegates, wouldn’t have a voice at all. The money that funded the GOP had spoken and Mitt Romney was going to be their guy one way or the other.

The problem with conspiracy theories, is that once they explode into asinine territory (lizard people, water turning frogs gay) the actual conspiracies get shrugged into the dustbin of history. The thing is, our history as a nation is rife with proof that our so called Democracy is a mirage. An illusion for those who want to believe things are just fine. Look into Rutherford B Hayes’ elections or better yet, the election of 1800. One of our own Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, took a back room deal in order for the House to give him the votes. Didn’t have anything to do with voters wants or needs it was all about the money. Hell, look at the hanging chad election. Fuck, guys, it’s never been about you. It’s been about the people with the money and power. They give you a choice and you dutifully choose. In what universe does that make sense?

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